Patrick Kavanagh, Irish Poet

I find that good poetry is an excellent subject for meditation. In the Christian contemplative tradition there is what is known as Lectio Divina, Divine Reading. This has four parts: Lectio, the reading of the text; Meditatio, meditating on it; Oratio, praying on it; and finally Contemplatio, contemplating it. For me the process is of reading the text, then getting the feel and the meaning of it, followed by a kind of putting it in the context of ultimate concern, and finally offering it back to the source with gratitude in silence, seeing it as part of the ineffable, as part of what Katsuki Sekida in Zen Training calls the ‘pathos of things’.

Traditionally scripture was the source, but I find certain writings of poets and others is suitable. In particular, the poems of Patrick Kavanagh elicit this response in me, and I recommend highly his Collected Poems. (I also find certain songs of Van Morrison suitable for this practice.)

As an example consider the following poem. Read it, consider it, pray it, and know that you cannot ever fully grasp the ineffability and mystery of what it points to in a thousand lifetimes, but you know what he means:

To the Man After the Harrow

Now leave the check-reins slack,
The seed is flying far today –
The seed like stars against the black
Eternity of April clay.

This seed is potent as the seed
Of knowledge in the Hebrew Book,
So drive your horses in the creed
Of God the Father as a stook.

Forget the men on Brady’s Hill.
Forget what Brady’s boy may say.
For destiny will not fulfil
Unless you let the harrow play.

Forget the worm’s opinion too
Of hooves and pointed harrow-pins,
For you are driving your horses through
The mist where Genesis begins.

Patrick Kavanagh

5 thoughts on “Patrick Kavanagh, Irish Poet

  1. Joe, I have been reading this poem for the past few days. I must admit I have never really had much (or even any) exposure to poetry before and this once seems to have new meanings every time you look at it. It suggests to me that an element of letting go is required in order for there to be brighter beginnings. I especially like the last verse and the significance of the worm and the harrow pin, accepting that this path should be taken regardless and that sacrifices have to be made in order for something new to begin (or something like that anyway)

    • Fiona,
      my take on the poem is not very intellectual. I just love the imagery of the wild cold barren landscape of Monaghan, Kavanagh’s home county, bordering Northern Ireland. It is poor stony unfertile land, out of which people merely scratched a living. ‘For you are /Driving your horses through the mist where Genesis begins.’ is just sheer primal beauty. The play on ‘Genesis’ and ‘begins’ is great, and captures the real meaning of the Judeo-Christian beginning, as the moment to moment arising of each event, even if it is a misty April day in the wilds of Ireland.

  2. Sounds pretty intellectual to me
    …My only experience of Ireland has been a day trip to Dublin and the music of Clannad and Enya which are two of my favourites…I don’t even know any bible stories- how ignorant is that….

    • If you want proper Irish music listen to this:

      If you like it get the whole album, Moving Hearts Live in Dublin. You won’t be disappointed

  3. You and I deffo have a different taste in Music…

    Feel so different- Sinead O’Connor. I can’t say I like all her stuff but this was my absolute fav when it came out (I was about 19/ 20 at the time and it felt like it was a song especially for me. (you tube vid below)

    The fact that it started with the Serenity prayer was (and is) important as this is one of my current meditations. The first place I came across this prayer was in this song.

    God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change
    Courage to change the things I can
    And the wisdom to know the difference

    I am not like I was before
    I thought that nothing would change me
    I was not listening anymore
    Still you continued to affect me
    I was not thinking anymore…. more lyrics

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